Two graphs G and H are homomorphism indistinguishable over
a class of graphs 𝓕 if, for all graphs F ∊ 𝓕, the
number of homomorphisms from F to G is equal to the number
of homomorphisms from F to H. In 1967, Lovász showed that
two graphs are isomorphic if, and only if, they are
homomorphism indistinguishable over the class of all graphs.
Subsequently, many graph isomorphism relaxations such as
quantum isomorphism, spectral, and logical equivalences have
been characterised as homomorphism indistinguishability
relations over certain graph classes. Thereby, homomorphism
indistinguishability connects seemingly disparate fields
such as quantum information, finite model theory, and
machine learning.
This thesis explores three themes: We
first review the plenitude of characterisations of graph
isomorphism relaxations as a homomorphism
indistinguishability relation. Focusing on integer
programming relaxations for graph isomorphism, we prove that
the feasibility of each level of the Sherali–Adams and
Lasserre hierarchies is characterised as homomorphism
indistinguishability relations. These results, which are
derived using (bi)labelled graphs and homomorphism tensors,
shed light on the distinguishing power of these hierarchies.
In particular, we determine the precise number of
Sherali–Adams levels necessary such that their feasibility
guarantees the feasibility of a given Lasserre level.
Abstracting from the wealth of homomorphism
indistinguishability characterisations, we embark on a more
principled study of homomorphism indistinguishability
investigating the distinguishing power and the complexity of
homomorphism indistinguishability relations over
minor-closed graph class.
The homomorphism distinguishing
closure cl(𝓕) of a graph class 𝓕 is the central notion
for studying the distinguishing power of homomorphism
indistinguishability relations. It is defined as the maximal
graph class whose homomorphism indistinguishability relation
coincides with the one of 𝓕. Roberson conjectured that
every minor-closed union-closed graph class 𝓕 is
homomorphism distinguishing closed, i.e. cl(𝓕) = 𝓕. We
confirm Roberson’s conjecture, which is generally wide open,
for further graphs classes and prove unconditionally that if
𝓕 is minor-closed then so is cl(𝓕).
Lastly, we
investigate the complexity of deciding whether two graphs
are homomorphism indistinguishable over a fixed graph class.
For infinite graph classes, this problem is a priori not
even decidable. In stark contrast to this, we show that,
over every minor-closed graph class of bounded treewidth,
homomorphism indistinguishability can be decided in
randomised polynomial time.